Wednesday, 18 June 2008

The Garlic Story

DSC00499, originally uploaded by funkylittledani.

We planted our Garlic in October last year - 'Overwintering' it's called. I think we have a few pics on another camera of them in various stages of growth, so we hope to have them on here soon. We were really pleased that they seemed to be growing more or less unaided ( we mulched them sometime in early spring and that was about it). However a week ago I saw something that made me panic..........the garlic had started bolting. Not just one bulb, but ALL OF THEM. How could we have missed it!!? Now, I knew that this was not a good thing. But instead of being rational and waiting until I got home to calmly set about find out what to do in one of my many allotment books, I freaked. I dug one up and went to the lady down the end who I knew grew garlic on her plot. I don't know her name, but I know her dog's name (oh dear!). Anyway she told me that it wasn't anything to worry about, it just might not store as well and that it was nowhere near as bad as an onion or a leek bolting.

We dug them all up anyway! But they looked great, and some of bulbs were really huge. As you can see, it doesn't look half bad and we were really proud of the first veg that we planted ourselves to have a successful crop.

They are now busy drying in our shed.....

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